On the aftermath of last season’s The Canes Files, The Canes Awakens follows The Life and Crimes of Detective Barker and The Adventures of Vulpecula once more.
The Fox Detective’s “adventures” have taken an ugly turn since arriving in Urgway, and now, replacing Sanec Barker in the Marybeth Police Department, it’s only likely to worsen. His search for stability could very well be what causes his own foundations to collapse.
Detective Sanec Barker, on the other-hand, is in search, not of stability, but of power, looking to climb the political ranks of Urgway, and willing to do whatever it takes to do so. In doing so, he will also have to come face-to-face with the extreme prejudice plaguing all of Maharris.
A story shared across twelve unique episodes, The Canes Awaken makes for a darker, more in-depth sequel.
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