52 Corpse Pick Up
052 Corpse Pick Up is a black-comedy, crime-thriller, following the ascent of Hardan’s criminal underbelly and those trying to stop it.
Catherine: Forever with Love
0Catherine: Forever with Love is a horror story about a young girl who finds herself targeted by ghastly creatures.
Parlor Tricks
0In this slasher thriller novelette, writer McConnaughay expresses his love for the slasher subgenre, all while imbuing it with surrealist, eccentricities that subvert the genre’s formula in unique ways.
The Canes Awaken
0On the aftermath of last season’s The Canes Files, The Canes Awakens follows The Life and Crimes of Detective Barker and The Adventures of Vulpecula once more.
The Canes Perception
0The Canes Perception is the third installment in McConnaughay and Scott Moore’s The Canes series.