On the aftermath of last season’s The Canes Files, The Canes Awakens follows The Life and Crimes of Detective Barker and The Adventures of Vulpecula once more.
“The Canes Files” is a collaborative effort between brothers McConnaughay and Scott Moore, chronicling the stories of a fox named Vulpecula Noel and a dog named Sanec Barker.
Sammy still cannot remember his past, but with the help of his sister, Alti he will visit places he never dreamed possible. Alongside him, Miles Tiro is still striving to survive. Not only the Groundborn who pop from beneath the ground, but also the king’s men who seem to be around every corner. The Uprising: King of Forever is the exciting second installment in S.A. Moore’s Uprising series.
One last story about Alis, the Anella crew, Creft, and Creaton. Will they have what it takes to defeat a god? Or will Maralay and the world crumble at Seer Pryce’s feet?